It Is Really Not Fair That I Have No Musical Talent

I know it’s been over a week since the Grammys, but I STILL can’t get the all star tribute to Levon Helm out of my mind!

That bad bitch on the right stole the show. You go Mavis Staples! Yeah!

That bad bitch on the right stole the show. You go Mavis Staples! Yeah!

I DVR’ed the Grammys and watched this performance about 400 times. During each viewing, I rocked OUT in my living room, playing air guitar, singing, tossing my hair. You know, just the typical things rock stars do. And it made me super sad because that’s where my mad skills are relegated: in my living room. Because, unfortch, I have zero musical talent.

That didn’t stop Britney Spears! you might say. Agreed, but home girl had ABS back in the day that could slice bread.

Sorry, world, that you will never be able to see me rock out on a global stage. It really IS a tragedy. Till then, just enjoy this ghetto link of the Grammys performance below. You can watch the official one at the link in the first paragraph, but I can’t embed that video to my post. Whatevs.

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