Guess Which Show I Will Continue Not to Watch? Entertainment Tonight!

Thank you soooo much Entertainment Tonight for assuring me that you will NEVER take up space on my DVR. You see, on Monday it was announced that Michael Jackson’s 16-year-old son Prince Michael will be a guest correspondent for the super sophisticated daily roundup.

Just beat it, okay?

Just beat it, okay?

Now, I know he’s just a kid and I shouldn’t make fun of people who can’t even drive or drink legally, but come ON. One, his late father was so desperate to maintain his children’s privacy that he covered his kids in VEILS whenever they went out.

Do you remember the time when Michael treated his kids like sickly freaks? I do, and I miss those days.

Do you remember the time when Michael treated his kids like sickly freaks? I do, and I miss those days.

Two, the only precocious kid I like his Kid President.

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